Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Anderson Cooper Reveals He's Gay in Email to Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan

WyBlog nails the headline, "Anderson Cooper Finally Publicly Acknowledges the Secret Shame that We Already Knew Anyway." And following the link takes us to iOWNTHEWORLD:

Sullivan writes a piece at the Daily Beast where he applauds the way a recent CNN host came out – quietly, matter of factly and with little fanfare.

He says that this is the goal, to have gay people so mainstream that “coming out” is a ho-hum moment.

Andrew writes this in a long-winded essay that, if he could, would be accompanied by a soundtrack of “It’s Raining Men,” a police siren and a few cowboys, Indians and policemen in buttless chaps tossing rainbows into the air from a Rip Taylor shopping bag full of confetti.

The man who came out has it right. Andrew, on the other hand, is part of the coalition of gays who believe that it’s fruitless to be gay unless it’s the centerpiece on table one. If being gay actually becomes as ho-hum as he says he wants it to be, and he’s relegated to table 23 near the kitchen, he’s going to set the table on fire.

Here’s the stupid piece, if you must.
I like Anderson Cooper, actually. Andrew Sullivan? Not so much.

BONUS: At the Los Angeles Times, "Anderson Cooper comes out as gay. Does it matter? Yes." And the New York Times, "Revelation Signals a Shift in Views of Homosexuality."