Friday, March 15, 2013

'Recently I went home with a kinky man after our first date. The experience phased in and out of being consensual throughout the night. I distinctly left his apartment feeling violated and I continued to feel violated for several days after...'

This is interesting, to put it mildly, at the Frisky, "The Soapbox: On Abuse Within Kink (Or This One Time Some Really Bad Stuff Happened to Me)."

Read it all at the link. I'm fascinated by this idea of consent throughout every single kind of possible sex act. Basically, if there's one single thing you do to or with a woman while having sex that's not 100 percent agreed upon up front then you're committing rape. Stop means stop so you stop right? Perhaps. But how many men do not stop? Say, in the heat of the moment, animalistic instinct takes over, extreme sexual tension is relieved, only to be followed by guilt and recrimination over the absence of consent. Here's all the radical left's "rape" talk for you. Rape is not the kind of rape in the movies --- I'm thinking Ally Sheedy being raped in "Bad Boys" (and since I don't see it at Google I'm going off memory, but it's a brutal rape scene). No, nowadays rape is pretty much a phenomenon when a chick gets pissed at her boyfriend about something and accuses him of rape because he didn't keep asking for consent for every sideways kiss during sex. Or, whatever. Who can keep up? All these women who've been "assaulted" nowadays, right? Remember R.S. McCain's post, "Unintentional Hilarity: Feminists Ask If Julian Assange Committed ‘Rape-Rape’"?
Listen up, sweetheart: You buy the ticket, you take the ride.
Anyway, hat tip to Instapundit. He reads the Frisky website so we don't have to...