Thursday, March 27, 2014

Add Iowa to the GOP's Senate Pickup List

At Power Line:
The Democrats’ candidate for the Iowa Senate seat being vacated by Tom Harkin is Bruce Braley. Until Tuesday, Braley was the favorite. But then this video surfaced: Braley raising money from a group of big-ticket plaintiffs’ lawyers in Texas. Apparently a Republican sneaked into the gathering with a camera. Two can play that game! Braley assures the Texas lawyers that he is one of them; he has been “fighting tort reform” for thirty years! Whereas, if Republicans gain control of the Senate, Iowa Senator Charles Grassley will be chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Grassley is only “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school.” The horror! Here it is; watch and enjoy. And don’t forget to notice the table with booze on it–a nice touch:

More (via Instapundit).