Thursday, August 14, 2014

Robert Stacy McCain's Report on Brett Kimberlin's Vexatious Defamation Suit Against Bloggers

Following-up from earlier, "Brett Kimberlin Gets Hammered, Loses Vexatious Defamation Suit Against Bloggers."

Here's Robert's report of the trial, at the Other McCain, "Sue Me Again, You Evil Liar":

Any student of Christian theology knows that Satan is always the accuser, torturing us with the guilt of our sins, dishonestly attempting to convince us that our wickedness places us beyond the help of God’s grace. At the Day of Judgment, confronted by the infinite righteousness of God, we shall be unable to save ourselves from eternal destruction, except to claim the blood of Jesus as having atoned for our sins. Thus, to become a Christian requires first that we acknowledge what wretched sinners we are — “total human depravity,” in Calvinist doctrine, “sinners in the hands of an angry God,” as Jonathan Edwards so memorably phrased it — utterly helpless to deserve salvation by our own merit, and completely dependent on God’s mercy.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray that God’s will may be done “on earth as it is in heaven,” and there are times when divine providence is made so apparent by signs and wonders that the faithful may see the earthly path that God shows. So there was a lot of prayer Monday night, and it was as if God himself was telling Ali to go pro se. When Ali announced this decision in the courtroom, Judge Johnson called him, Ostronic and Kimberlin to the bench where, in a conference, the judge urged Ali to reconsider, and Kimberlin (himself proceeding as his own attorney) actually tried to argue that Ali shouldn’t be allowed to represent himself.


This is what poker players call a “tell.” Kimberlin’s haphazard and arguably unethical methods as a pro se plaintiff have been a weapon in his nearly four-year lawfare campaign against his critics, dating back to October 2010, when he sued Seth Allen and threatened to sue Patrick “Patterico” Frey and Mandy Nagy, writing in an e-mail to Patterico:
I have filed over a hundred lawsuits and another one will be no sweat for me. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time and money . . .