Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ronda Rousey Makes Weight for #UFC190 Tonight!

Here's the background, at LAT, "Bethe Correia vows to take fight to Ronda Rousey in UFC title match."

Here's Rousey at the weigh-in, on Instagram, "Makin' weight #UFC190," and "Exactly on weight #likeapro - now for the fun part!"

Also at London's Daily Mail, "Ronda Rousey ready to defy her mum and humiliate Bethe Correia at UFC 190":Ronda Rousey claims Bethe":
Correia crossed the line when said she hoped the champion 'didn’t commit suicide' after losing.

The UFC women’s bantamweight champion plans to punish the unbeaten Brazilian inside the Octagon...