Sunday, August 31, 2014

Professor Charli Carpenter Boycotts #APSA for Placing an 'Undue Burden' on Her 'Gender-Conscious' Work-Life Balance

Boy, this might as well be a parody of the life of a far-left politically correct academic, except that it's not a parody. Behold this "brave" statement of "gender consciousness" from Professor Charli Carpenter, at the hate-site Lawyers, Guns and Money, "Why I Am Not at APSA This Labor Day":

Charli Carpenter
I’m boycotting my professional organization for scheduling a conference so as to inhibit work-life-balance and pose an undue burden on parents in the profession, especially mothers. I’m boycotting APSA because they have done this year by year over the protest of their members. What began as an irreconcilable personal conflict for a parent of grade schoolers and partner to a dual-career spouse – what began, that is, as a simple work-life balance choice – has turned over the years into a political statement that I’ll continue to make until APSA’s policy changes.

I’m not saying APSA is an inherently family-unfriendly organization....

So starting when my daughter was 8, my husband and I decided to try a new system: alternating APSAs. Each year, one or the other of us would go from now on, and one would stay. This idea made sense in theory, but in practice it put strain on our family’s carefully cultivated and gender-conscious balance between work and family life, as we each navigated life on the two-body tenure track striving for equity both in child-rearing and career opportunities...
Oh brother. The drama is excruciating.

Wouldn't want to upset that "carefully cultivated and gender-conscious balance between work and family life." No siree!

Besides, child-rearing equity is important!

A little late for National Offend a Feminist Week, but Charli's "work-life balance" rants are precious, heh.

IMAGE CREDIT: Serr8d's Cutting Edge.