Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bwahaha! Lunatic Left-Wing Attacks Boost Bill O'Reilly's Ratings on Fox

OMG this is hilarious!

The idiotic attacks from far-LWNJ David Corn are backfiring, big time. The O'Reilly Factor's not only getting a healthy ratings boost off the attacks, but turns out the loons at Mother Jones are getting played like a bunch of losers.

Don't stop, leftists! Don't stop lol!

At WaPo, "Crisis management, Fox News style: Bill O’Reilly goes for the jugular":
Bill O’Reilly and Fox News seem to have decided that the best defense is a good offense. A lot of offense.

Faced with accusations that he exaggerated some of his reporting exploits over the years, the combative cable news star has gone into full battle mode, employing the public relations equivalent of the nuclear option.

Since Mother Jones magazine published its story about O’Reilly’s claims last Thursday, O’Reilly has done far more than deny the allegations. He has called the story “slander” and labeled its principal author, David Corn, “a liar” and “a guttersnipe.” In one of the numerous interviews he has done with reporters, O’Reilly suggested that Corn should be put in “the kill zone” for his story.

He’s also been pushing around the reporters reporting the fallout. O’Reilly began an interview with this newspaper last week by saying, “I’m recording this, so you’d better report this accurately.” On Monday, he made his intent explicit, warning a New York Times reporter that if the coverage was inaccurate or inappropriate, “I am coming after you with everything I have. You can take it as a threat.”

This may not be the best way to make a crisis go away. And indeed, O’Reilly may not want it to.

O’Reilly’s aggressive statements have kept the Mother Jones story in the news for several days, which may have fueled a mini-bump in his ratings. The O’Reilly-hosted “O’Reilly Factor” attracted 3.33 million viewers on Monday night after several days of headlines, a 10 percent increase over his average for the month...

Plus, at the New York Times, "Why O’Reilly Isn’t Going the Way of Williams."