Monday, September 26, 2016

Clinton and Trump Deadlocked Before the Debate; Leftists Media Goes All Out to Paint Trump as 'Unprecedented Liar'

The number of undecided voters at this point is probably ten percent or less, which makes the left's freak out even more hilarious. Polls show the presidential horse race neck and neck, and leftist are worried.

Here's Bloomberg, via Memeorandum, "Trump, Clinton Deadlocked in Bloomberg Poll Before Key Debate."

And Trump deadlocked in the Keystone State, which I've considered my benchmark state for Trump's turning-point in the Electoral College. I'll need to see a couple more polls out of Pennsylvania, but it's exciting.

And see Larry O'Connor, at Hot Air, for the leftist media's coordination with the Clinton campaign on the Trump "unprecedented liar" meme over the weekend, "Where did all those ‘Trump Lies’ articles come from this weekend? The Clinton campaign, of course."